When you observe the flow of your energy cycles during any given month you may notice that your energy ebbs and flows. Sometimes you need to hang out in an eddy; other times you are flowing forward at full force. During any lunar cycle, we tend to have times of heightened creativity, activity, and extroversion (often corresponding to the Waxing Moon and Full Moon) and other times when we feel the need to slow down, do less, and turn inward.
The Waning Moon phase—the time in between the Full Moon and New Moon is associated with darkness, introversion, going underground, rest, the end of the life cycle, vata dosha, and the autumn harvest. Rather than swimming upstream against the waning energies of this phase of the lunar cycle, it can be helpful to understand the energetics of the Waning Moon phase and to learn to work with this time to support our bodies and minds. In this article, I will share a recipe to embrace this time of rest and slowing down with herbs that provide deep nourishment.
Read the full post and get the recipe on the Herbal Academy blog here: Waning Moon Herbal Mix for Deep Nourishment.