While studying Ayurveda, our teacher emphasized many times that “menopause is not a disease.” Though there are often symptoms associated with the transition from the menstruating years to menopause, menopause is a natural biological process and is simply part of the normal life cycle. Some individuals are fortunate enough to experience a relatively symptom-free menopause. However, fortunately, for those who do experience menopause and perimenopause-related troubles, such as dryness, hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, decreased energy, changes in weight, and mood swings, there are a number of plant allies and lifestyle factors that can ease the ups and downs and discomforts related to this time. This article will highlight an herbal formula that I designed to soothe overall dryness related to menopause. That said, there are a variety of herbal supports available for menopause and perimenopause, depending on how symptoms present—this article will touch upon some of these as well.
Since there are a number of symptoms that may be associated with menopause and perimenopause, I am not going to attempt to address the entire topic in-depth here. If you are struggling with menopausal symptoms, getting the help of an experienced herbalist who can create an herbal protocol to address your particular needs can be incredibly helpful. For now, let’s take a deeper dive into a common issue related to menopause—dryness—and how herbs can help. Compared to night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings, dryness may seem minor. However, when someone experiences chronic dry skin, dry eyes, and issues such as constipation and vaginal dryness, it’s certainly a problem worth addressing. Also, from an ayurvedic perspective, the fluids in the body are called the rasa, and having ample rasa is key for overall health and vitality. When rasa is depleted, this may ultimately relate to, or lead to, deeper imbalances and health concerns.
Read the full post on the Herbal Academy blog: HERBAL SUPPORTS FOR MENOPAUSE + AN HERBAL FORMULA FOR DRYNESS