The New Moon, the time in which the moon is occluded from our earthly vision due to its position in the sky between the Sun and Earth, is commonly understood as a time for new beginnings. If the Full Moon is a time for fruition and manifestation, the New Moon is the time to light a candle of intention in the dark. It is a time for rest, reflection, and intention-setting. Just as plants have growth cycles and the tides ebb and flow, our energy levels also have a cyclic quality. This article will discuss the energy of the New Moon and how to support yourself with herbs during this internal time in the lunar cycle.
Energy of the New Moon
In order to understand how to support the energies of the New Moon, it is helpful to first flesh out the qualities of the New Moon phase. Though the New Moon is the time during the monthly lunar cycle in which the moon is not visible to our eyes, the New Moon phase can include a time frame within 3 1/2 days after the official New Moon. Also, for our purposes of discussing the energies at this time, we can also include the time just prior to the New Moon—the Balsamic Phase, which may be considered the “Depth of Dark” (George, 1992). Here are a few words to describe this potent, dark time that is ideal for turning inward:
“At the Balsamic Phase, the life impulse distills and concentrates the wisdom of the entire cycle into a capsule of seed ideas for future visions” (George, 1992, p. 67).
“At the New Phase, the flow of solar-lunar energy emerges, initiates and projects the seed impulse…that will fulfill and complete a purpose as the remaining cycle unfolds” (George, 1992, p. 66).
Read the full article and get the recipes here: New Moon Herbal Mix Recipe for New Beginnings on the Herbal Academy blog.