With summer around the corner, some of us are thrilled by warmer temperatures and the prospect of stone fruits, berries, smoothies, and salads. However, those who run warm, e.g. pitta types, may need to take caution to tame the internal fires as external temperatures climb. This means keeping the body temperature, emotional thermometer, and digestive fire reasonably chilled out. As I described in my post on agni, managing digestion is all about balance. You want to keep your digestive fire burning just right, not too hot and not too cool. If your digestive fire runs on the hot or acidic side, avipattikar churna may become your new herbal best friend!
Avipattikar churna is a fairly complex classical ayurvedic formula that is used for heartburn, hyperacidity, constipation with signs of heat, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastritis (Dass, 2013; Pole, 2013). In general, it is indicated for pitta-type digestive imbalances, which usually come with signs of excess heat. This formula also helps to normalize the apana vayu (the downward moving energy that governs down-and-out functions such as bowel movements and menstruation). Signs of disrupted apana vayu include vomiting, belching, and acid reflux.
Read the full post on the Herbal Academy blog HERE.