With spring in full swing, consider yourself fortunate if you are not affected by seasonal allergies or other respiratory issues. On the other hand, if you do experience sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and other respiratory allergy symptoms, you may find yourself looking for new methods of respiratory support. Or, perhaps you simply want to have some dependable herbal allies on hand in case of the occasional cough or cold. Sitopaladi churna is a classical ayurvedic formula that offers respiratory support for colds, coughs, and seasonal allergies.
Respiratory Support And Allergies: The Big Picture
Since Ayurveda is a holistic system, one always takes into account the big picture view before suggesting targeted herbs or herbal formulas to an individual. In this post, I will not explain the underlying causes of seasonal allergies in great depth. However, you may want to read my Herbal Academy post, Herbal Allergy Support Using Ayurvedic Herbs, for insight into the broader ayurvedic view on allergies, as well as some specific herbal supports.
Without going into great depth, it is important to remember that in Ayurveda, everything begins in the gut and in the mind. When digestion goes awry, other problems will inevitably ensue. Similarly, the mind is the subtle root of illness, and psychological burdens will ultimately have ripple effects if left unresolved. That said, balancing digestion and taking measures to unburden excess stress are foundational for any wellness protocol. However, in addition to diet and lifestyle, sometimes we need to call upon extra support, particularly during acute symptom flare-ups. Also, no matter how healthy our lifestyle, most of us come down with a cold virus every now and then. This is where sitopaladi churna comes in.
Read the full post on the Herbal Academy blog HERE.