Guduchi is a highly revered herb in Ayurveda, and one that I had never heard of before my studies in Ayurveda. However, it has become a staple in my herbal pharmacopeia. Guduchi is also know as “Amrit.” It is tridoshic, meaning it will not aggravate any of the doshas (constitutional types). It is a powerful rejuvenative and yet clears ama (toxins) at the same time. It helps liver cells regenerate and also helps decongest the liver. It stabilizes nerve function as well, so is useful in cases of nervous system disorder or imbalance. Dr. David Frawley and Dr. Vasant Lad write in Yoga of Herbs that Guduchi “increases our positive energy in conditions of debility like chronic fatigue syndrome” (p.243). Thus, Guduchi is good for treating and preventing chronic disease.
You may not see Guduchi at your local health food store, but you can order it rather inexpensively from Banyan Botanicals. Take a small amount of the powder in warm water or warm milk with a pinch of cardamom or other digestive spice.